NewLifeOutlook has recently devoted its attention to connecting with and supporting even more people living with chronic health conditions via Twitter — a project which recently reached an exciting milestone.
More than 10,000 people now follow NewLifeOutlook on Twitter, across 18 different communities.
NLO | Fibromyalgia leads the pack with almost 2,500 followers and counting, following two successful Twitter chats, the first of many more to come.
Using the hashtag #fibrochat, the first Twitter “party” was held in May, and opened up a discussion around raising fibromyalgia awareness.
Another took place in June, and NewLifeOutlook put some of its community’s frequently asked questions — including, “How do you cope with unsupportive family members or friends?” — out to the Twitterverse.
The response to these chats has been fantastic, with fibromyalgia patients participating from all over the world to share their thoughts, experiences and tips.
NewLifeOutlook community manager Alyssa Winegarden describes connecting with NewLifeOutlook community members as
“a truly rewarding experience.”
“Our articles, videos and infographics are full of practical advice from people who have firsthand experience of these various conditions, which is why I think we’ve been so successful in growing our communities.
“Much like on Facebook, our Twitter audience is made up of a combination of advocates, patients, and caretakers, and we are continually working to provide them with helpful information and a supportive and safe community experience.”
About NewLifeOutlook
NewLifeOutlook is a family of websites that focus on people living life with chronic illness — not on the illness itself. We strive to offer practical information to help people afflicted with chronic conditions better deal with everyday life post-diagnosis, and to connect with others who share their experiences.