
Together We Are Strong

NewLifeOutlook Partners With Growing Health Information Site Healthline

January 1, 1970

NewLifeOutlook, known for providing chronic illness-specific educational resources and community support, has partnered with health information site Healthline to contribute articles with a focus on practical advice and solutions to those living with chronic conditions.

Healthline is one of the leading health and wellness information sites on the internet that works with medical experts to review and approve submitted articles to verify the content is medically correct and accurate.

“We are extremely excited about this partnership with Healthline. We have the ability to reach a wider audience while also providing realistic advice,” says Alyssa Winegarden, Community Manager of NewLifeOutlook. “Our partnership with Healthline only solidifies us as an important resource and chronic condition ambassador to those living with a chronic illness.”

NewLifeOutlook has provided articles on topics like COPD, ADHD, depression, and diabetes. As of today, articles NewLifeOutlook has contributed to Healthline include:

The partnership between these two communities combined will further strengthen the importance of chronic condition awareness and help those find ways to make living with their condition a little easier.

About NewLifeOutlook

NewLifeOutlook is a family of websites that focus on people living life with chronic illness — not on the illness itself. We strive to offer practical information to help people afflicted with chronic conditions better deal with everyday life post-diagnosis, and to connect with others who share their experiences.